Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This week, my parents and I have taken a few trips to Brighton Canyon. These trips are just a few of many I have made throughout my lifetime. I've been going hiking for as long as I can remember and that is probably why I find hiking so peaceful and relaxing. My dad and I always go for a hike no matter what time of the year it is. Twin Lakes and Mary Lake are the best hikes, though sometimes we just hike to the girls camp that is up there. After a hike, we usually go down a little ways to Silver Lake and we take a walk around that with my mom. Silver Lake has a flat path and doesn't require any hiking to get to, so it is easier on my mom. There is almost always something new to see. This last time we were up there, we saw a mother moose and her baby. It was really cool because I had never seen a baby moose in the wild before. Unfortunately, it was 11:00 at night, so I couldn't get a picture. Nighttime up there is so amazing though because you can see all of the stars up there perfectly. It is absolutely gorgeous. Another cool hike up in that area is the hike to Donut Falls.

Paths are necessary to get to all of these places, but sometimes a trail is missing. The first time my dad and I hiked to Twin Lakes we didn't know there was a path, so we kind of went trailblazing. It was fun, though totally unnecessary. Now we always take the path which is much better because it is not only easier, but ruins less foliage.

The only major landmark up there is a dirt Mickey Mouse head that somebody put on one of the mountains. Over the years he has become kind of deformed, but he used to be perfectly symmetrical.

These kind of recreational places are an important part of the city because they give the everyday joe an opportunity to get away from reality for awhile. It also helps break up the city and adds something else to a valley. Though these kinds of places aren't a part of the actual city, they are very close. I am a firm believer in enjoying nature and I am glad that I live in an area
that has many recreational areas such as Brighton. If I lived in a city like New York, I think I would lose my mind. I enjoy seeing mountains and trees in a perfectly natural environment. This isn't just a park, but an actual part of nature. Nature is a place I could easily lose myself in and would willingly do it if reality didn't come calling.

1 comment:

  1. Brittany: Paths are such a complicated issue when you're in a wilderness area, because they're evidence that other people have already been there and have, in a way, chosen for you which way you will go. Sometimes paths in the mountains make sense and take you past great views or inviting resting places or other times they just move you more quickly or efficiently through the wonderful place you have chosen to visit. This has always seemed so counter intuitive to me, because the whole point is to take your time and linger, experience nature and let your body calm down and process it all. Paths are a little bossy in this, telling you what to do when you really want to be free of all the choices made for you in the life in the city below. You are so lucky to have a family that values time spent together, and time spent together in the natural world. I think it opens us to more interesting conversations and creates stronger bonds somehow. Great entry!
