Monday, September 27, 2010

Structure: The Notre Dame of Salt Lake City

Group members: Andrew Beckstrand, Annah Frisch, Natalie Meadows, Nichol Rushton, and Cason Snow.

We went to the Cathedral of the Madeline. It was amazing. The architecture was gothic in style. There were gargoyles and huge arches. There was a fountain shaped like a cross. There were shockingly beautiful stained-glass windows. There was a pastor in a white robe, and he looked at us. There was an old couple and they were praying. We saw a Holy Water basin. It was designed to be near the door so people can cleanse as they leave.

The entrances were frequently deceptive. There were many doors that would not open. We opened an extremely ominous gate, that led to nowhere. We finally found a door that would open and went in. The cathedral was brightly colored, however the lighting was very dark. They design this to use mainly natural light sources, like most gothic architecture. So it was dramatically dark.


1 comment:

  1. Talking about good bones! The ribbed vault of the Cathedral of the Madeline create such a sense of drama and beauty! The contrast in color and material--the difference between the stone of the ribs and the painted murals in-between enhances the sense of structure. You have the sense of knowing how the building stands up, how its different parts relate to each other, what does what. Structure is key to our sense of stability or security. It helps us understand or know what is going on, and it gives order to our environments, helps us know what to expect, what comes next. Loved the video! I'm not sure it was entirely appropriate, I think it is always important in sacred spaces to be respectful of the religious traditions of other people, but it didn't look like there was a ceremony going on.
    Good job!
